How to setup public tender notifications?

1) Go to your profile in the top right menu.

Hover over your email address in the top right of the screen. A menu will drop down with a profile button.

2) Select the Tender preferences tab.

You will see a page with three tabs: "Contact details", "Organisation" and "Tender preferences". Click on "Tender preferences".

3) Search and select for industries in the cpv codes list

You can search industries by navigating though the tree, or with the text input field on top

4) Search and select for areas in the nuts codes list

You can search areas by navigating though the tree, or with the text input field on top

You will now get email notifications of public tenders that have at least one of the CPV codes, and one of the NUTS codes. Be aware that public tenders in your prefered location might not contain the nuts code. This is depending on the organisation that offers the tender. If you would like to search on the location of the organisation that offers the tender (a.k.a. seeker), you can do so on the tenders search page. To get notifications on that search, you can save the search. For more information check out our how to here